

So here we are. I do not plan, as a general rule, to post anything here besides creative writing exercises, projects, related miscellanea, because that is not this point of this. But I want to test out the appearance of things, so...

I have vary many odd and not necessarily intuitively complementary interests, ranging from politics and economics to tarot and astrology. I am, I suppose, creatively inclined, though I don't necessarily think of myself as a writer or an artist or anything such. Sometimes random ideas, characters, scenarios, worlds, systems of government or magic or whatever else, come floating around my skull. I like to play with words, thoughts, ideas, perspectives.

Motivation is always the issue, though, isn't it? I don't write nearly as much as I could these days, even if it is just writing for self-indulgence/as an intellectual exercise. Perhaps this shiny blog, this little space in the vast abstract ether that we call the internet will encourage me to do so. Perhaps interesting things shall come of this. Perhaps...

Will be mostly aiming to post new content/work here, but also planning on going through a few (slightly) older things to potentially edit...those might go up here as well, and will be noted as such.


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